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crazygen 4 ever

    Beautiful Ft. Colby O'Donis And Kardinal Offishall------AkOn


    عدد المساهمات : 166
    نقاط : 44241
    السٌّمعَة : 3
    تاريخ التسجيل : 16/09/2009
    العمر : 31
    الموقع :

    Beautiful Ft. Colby O'Donis And Kardinal Offishall------AkOn Empty Beautiful Ft. Colby O'Donis And Kardinal Offishall------AkOn

    مُساهمة  ThUnDeR الجمعة سبتمبر 18, 2009 4:35 am

    Akon - Beautiful

    [Verse 1]
    When I see you, I run out of words to say
    I wouldn't leave you, cause your that type of girl, that makes mistakes

    I see the guys tryna' holla, girl I don't want to bother you, cause your independent and you got my attention
    And I'll be your baby father, girl I just want to show you, that I love what you are doing

    I see you in the club, you gettin' down'
    I wanna get with you
    I see you in the club, you showin' thugs love
    That wanna get with you

    You're so beautiful, So damn beautiful
    Said your so beautiful, So damn beautiful
    You're so beautiful

    [Verse 2]
    Where'd you come from, you're outta' this world, to me
    You're a symbol of what a beautiful woman should be (ooh wee)

    I see the guys trying to holla, girl I don't want to bother you, cause your independent and you got my attention
    And i'll be your baby father, girl I just want to show you, cause I love what you are doing
    [Beautiful Lyrics On ]
    I see you in the club, you gettin' down
    I wanna get with you
    I see you in the club, you showin' thugs love
    I wanna get with you

    You're so beautiful (oh yeah)
    So damn beautiful (oh yeah)
    Said your so beautiful (so beautiful)
    So damn Beautiful (so beautiful)
    You're so beautiful...beautiful...beautfiul...beautiful... (x2)

    [Background Instrumental for about 30 sec.'s]

    I see the guys tryna' holla, girl I don't want to bother you, cause your independent and you got my attention
    And I'll be your baby father, girl I just wanna show you, cause I love what you are doing
    I see you in the club, you gettin' down
    I wanna get with you (oh yeah)
    I see you in the club, you showin' thugs love
    I wanna get with you

    You're so beautiful, So damn beautiful
    Said your so beautiful, So damn Beautiful
    You're so beautiful

    lol! lol!

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأربعاء أكتوبر 02, 2024 3:32 am