
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

crazygen 4 ever

    Keep You Much Longer---AkOn


    عدد المساهمات : 166
    نقاط : 44241
    السٌّمعَة : 3
    تاريخ التسجيل : 16/09/2009
    العمر : 31
    الموقع :

    Keep You Much Longer---AkOn Empty Keep You Much Longer---AkOn

    مُساهمة  ThUnDeR الجمعة سبتمبر 18, 2009 4:41 am

    Chorus -
    Wish I can keep you much longer
    I know you gotta go, cause you got thangs to do
    Wish I can keep you much longer
    Now you to busy from me, girl like I was to you
    Wish I could just stop by, and maybe say hi
    Wish I could just stop by, and lay by your side
    Wish I could just stop by, and maybe say hi
    Wish I could just stop by, and lay by your side

    Verse 1 -
    The tables have turned, and I've finally learned
    That this is makin-up for every day I was gone
    Thats why I'm concerned, but now must confirm
    That you spread your wings, and learned to fly with all the load

    Hook -
    Darkness in the night, I'll find that light for you
    As long as I got eyes, I'll have a sight for you
    As long as I'm alive, baby I'll die for you
    Whatever with you

    Lyrics By: Janak Chauhan

    Chorus -
    Wish I can keep you much longer
    I know you gotta go, cause you got thangs to do
    Wish I can keep you much longer
    Now you to busy from me, girl like I was to you
    Wish I could just stop by, and maybe say hi
    Wish I could just stop by, and lay by your side
    Wish I could just stop by, and maybe say hi
    Wish I could just stop by, and lay by your side

    Verse 2 -
    Your always on my mind,
    While I'm racing, while I'm paper chasin,
    You were there when I said one day I get up out that basement
    Playin as my agent, boy you there is no replacement
    you will always be my girl, that can hope me own that statement

    Hook -
    Darkness in the night, I'll find that light for you
    As long as I got eyes, I'll have a sight for you
    As long as I'm alive, baby I'll die for you
    Whatever with you

    Lyrics By: Janak Chauhan

    Chorus -
    Wish I can keep you much longer
    I know you gotta go, cause you got thangs to do
    Wish I can keep you much longer
    Now you to busy from me, girl like I was to you
    Wish I could just stop by, and maybe say hi
    Wish I could just stop by, and lay by your side
    Wish I could just stop by, and maybe say hi
    Wish I could just stop by, and lay by your side

    Verse 3 -
    Baby I know you, and how we do
    Doing exactly what I taught you
    Gotta get that money first before you
    Come spend that precious time with your boo
    And I know what I got, just take it
    Even You was driving me crazy
    Always want to see my girl naked, but lately

    Chorus - 2x's
    Wish I can keep you much longer
    I know you gotta go, cause you got thangs to do
    Wish I can keep you much longer
    Now you to busy from me, girl like how I was to you
    Wish I could just stop by, and maybe say hi
    Wish I could just stop by, and lay by your side
    Wish I could just stop by, and maybe say hi
    Wish I could just stop by, and lay by your side

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأربعاء أكتوبر 02, 2024 3:34 am